Thursday 9 August 2007

Day Ninety Three...

I got the tube for the second day running today. It's been a while since I've been on it, but since I've strained my knee I'm trying to exercise it as little as possible. Unlike the previous night there was no pain when I woke up this morning, but I had a little discomfort through the day. Generally it's much better than before. I remember the mnemonic RICE from my rugby playing days. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation. I did the rest, but not the others. Hopefully I'll be back to normal next week.

When I arrived in the office I went straight for the kitchen to get some water. Unfortunately there was a sign saying there was no cold water in the building today and I should use one of the dispensers instead. Unfortunately there weren't any dispensers on my floor so I went to Tesco. It was my first trip in there for three months and it felt a little odd. I bought a pair of two litre bottles of Evian as they were on special. I then carries one of them wherever I went. By the end of the day I had drunk them both. A very good way to make sure I get all my water. I also noticed that I still have good bladder control, I had started the second bottle before I went for a pee. You see, some good came from drinking beer all those years.

Tomorrow is going to be 'one of those days'. I have the day fully booked up for job interviews. This time for project managers. Ugh, it's so dull. It would be fine if I only had to interview the people that got the job, but unfortunately you don't know who that is at the start of the process, so you have to interview a lot of 'special' people to get there. One one CV recently the top qualification someone had was Bronze Swimming Certificate. Honestly. I pissed myself laughing for about twenty minutes. The guy had a degree too, but ordered his qualification alphabetically.

I am finding my mind wandering to the weekend. My brother want to visit me on Saturday to pick up one of my digital camera cast offs, but I fancy taking the kayak somewhere to practice getting on and off it. The weather looks great, so I might visit him with the camera in the morning and head off to the sea or a lake for a practice.

I was speaking to a friend about my kayak today. He's a keen diver and is thinking of getting one as divers also use them for getting offshore. He asked me if I wanted to join the dive club. I've always wanted to give it a try, but frankly have always been too fat. Big folk use far more oxygen and have different decompression cycles to normal people so I never did it. I also do not need another expensive hobby right now. I can't shake the idea of a dive though, I think I'd love it. Maybe it's something I'll look into in a year or so. The missus' uncle is a dive instructor in Spain so he might be a great person to get in touch with if we ever fancy a try.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

I'm longing to go diving again - did a course years ago in Uni and a few dives with my brother in Malaysia then forgot about it. Then did another course on holiday in Sharm El Sheik on the Red Sea. Absolutely fabulous. The Iraq war was about to start so was dirt cheap but the diving was AMAZING! I would recommend the holiday (maybe the wife might like too??).

I was fat then and I did use up my air faster and found it difficult to get down to the depths and stay there due to fat floating. I had to wear masses of weights which exasperated the instructor, especially when I got it wrong and bobbed to the surface and he had to come and get me!

But, on the flip side, I could float happily for ages and I didn't get cold. Now, I suspect I'd be freezing, even in the Red Sea but I'd be able to swim for longer and not bob up so much!!

God - I really want to go again - now look what you've started!

Have fun kayaking - I'm in the garden while hubby's off to Anglesey sea fishing, worse luck - can we swap?

Lesley x