Saturday, 10 November 2007

Day One Hundred and Sixty Eight...weigh in

First of all I have to again apologise for the lack of updates. I am now giving up on trying to daily post and will now officially just update it when I can be arsed. Hopefully this will make me post more often, as I've been put off writing as I had so much to catch up on.

Work was crazy. We had our worst ever failure since I started nearly eight years ago. Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. I forced myself to leave the office to make my Lighterlife class at 9pm and I only just made it. I had to leave the room to attend a conference call which was embarrassing. However the problem for resolved around 10pm and I managed to lose 3lbs this week. I guess that is a positive outcome. My new total weight loss is 126lbs.

My friend was flying down from Aberdeen that evening so we could head out to Athens the next morning. The missus went off to the airport to pick him up while I was in class. Unfortunately his flight was delayed by an hour or so and he didn't arrive back to our place until around midnight. He hasn't seen me since I started Lighterlife so was completely gobsmacked when he saw me. He actually thought I looked a bit ill. To quote him, "you look like a cancer victim".

I was completely knackered after a stressful day, but the truth is I have stated to look a lot more tired recently. I have more lines around my eyes and they are more sunken. I knew this was coming. I have an uncle who lost several stones Lighterlife and he also looked drawn and gaunt towards the end and continued to look slightly sickly for around a year. I think it is the loose skin on your face just not looking right for a while.

Anyway, I wasn't really up for chatting as our taxi was picking us up at 5.15am the next morning so we both went straight to bed.

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