Wednesday 12 September 2007

Day One Hundred and Twenty Six... weigh in

I phoned the department on Skye dealing with my land acquisition first thing in the morning. I explained that it looked like a developer was building on my land and I was confused. He reassured me that he'd had no application to sell any plots on the land and that it would be mine before anyone would be able to sell it. This is good news, but I expect to be getting angry phone calls from irate folk who thought they were going to make a quick buck at my expense.

So with that sorted I drove to work. I had to take the car as I was heading to a supplier meeting in the afternoon and I give a handful of folk a lift to save the company in train and taxi expenses. The meeting went well and finished early so I made it home about 4.30. I did an hour or so work on the PC and then just played on Facebook. I finally succumbed and signed up to it. Almost everyone at work uses Facebook and a few of my friends use it to arrange all of their social events, so I ended up having to sign up.

I stuck my kayak photos up and got some really great comments from folks who haven't seen me for a while which was great. Apparently I look like 007! Well, it made me laugh.

It was also my weigh in tonight. I lost 4lbs. This breaks me though a couple of barriers. I broke through the 7 stones lost barrier and also I joined the century club. I have now lost 101lbs.

Yee ha!

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