Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Day Forty Two... Weigh in

Well, that's the end of week six. It's been a weird week due to working late a lot of nights and I've been like a walking zombie for most of it. However, I haven't felt the ened to cheat on my diet at all.

I've also had my first people notice I've lost weight. Surprisingly they were two blokes. I assumed women would be the first to notice, but no, it was a couple of guys. That really cheared me up.

My weigh in was tonight. I lost another 8lbs. This is the largest weightloss I've had since the first week and takes me over three stones lost. My total is now 46lbs in six weeks. I am losing on average over 1lb a day, which is crazy. I have a rising doubt about the figures though. My scales at home are much more conservative in their weightloss figures. I think I need to got a second opinion from somewhere to put my mind at rest or give me a more realistic figure.

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