Monday 8 October 2007

Day One Hundred and Fifty Three...

After a more eventful weekend than the previous I went back to work pretty refreshed. It was good to have my mind taken up by things that aren't work related.

Today my mind turned to this blog which I've neglected terribly recently. I thought about whether I wanted to carry on posting to it and decided I did. I definitely want a record of what I've done in the last few months.

When I started researching Lighterlife I was annoyed by the amount of blogs on the web about weight loss that just stopped. I decided mine was not going to be one of those.

So, I'm back. Readers, I hope you're still around.


Lesley said...

I'm still here Guinea - great to have you back. You are right to keep posting - it will be an impressive record of an impressive achievement. I wish I were as single minded as you! I used to be but food has entered the equation and I've reverted to type again. Still, the difference is that this time I am stopping the rot before it sets in and I know what I need to achieve.

I'm using your no-nonsense attitude as a guide over the next few days too so thanks!!

Bet your glad we're not getting an election!!?

Keep it up

Lesley x

Amanda said...

I'm still here too & glad to have you back & posting again.

I'm plodding on with LL & trying to combat nibbles at the weekend but I'm getting there.

I too watched the England/Australia & France/ New Zealand rugby games at the weekend, which were fantastic.

Keep up the posting.

Amanda x