Thursday 18 October 2007

Day One Hundred and Sixty Three...

The missus has gone out for dinner with a few mates. It's like we're passing ships in the night at the moment. She got home from her holiday last night and was in bed by the time I returned from my class.

I'm out all weekend and then I'm off to Athens. Previous to her holiday she was in France with work, so we haven't spent any time together for ages.

Work was pretty good today. We had a few emergency situations which the team managed to handle very well. I was delighted. This is a big relief for me as I need to hand over a lot of that work to my newly hired managers. They've proved they can cope, so that should take a lot of pressure off me.

We had big announcements of redundancies today. They do not directly affect me of my department, but I can see some big knock on effects if the anticipated strikes occur.

Tonight I am going to try to book a nice hotel in Athens and go to bed early with a book.

Mrs Lard, I promise to answer your questions soon. I've been avoiding them whislt working out how to word them properly.

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